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Gray whales

Gray whales are one of the most iconic species of whales in the world. They are found in the northern and eastern parts of the Pacific Ocean and are known for their unique mottled gray coloring. Gray whales are baleen whales, meaning they have two rows of baleen plates in their mouths to filter food from the water. They can grow up to 15 meters in length and live up to 70 years.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Eschrichtius robustus

Average Lifespan

70 years

Average Size

15 meters

Similar To

Humpback whales, Blue whales, Fin whales, Sperm whales


Gray whales reach sexual maturity at 4-7 years of age. Females can give birth to one calf every two years. The gestation period is 13-14 months. After birth, calves stay with their mothers for 6-7 months.


Gray whales are baleen whales, meaning they have two rows of baleen plates in their mouths to filter food from the water. They feed on small crustaceans, mollusks, and amphipods.


Gray whales are found in the northern and eastern parts of the Pacific Ocean. They migrate from their summer feeding grounds in the Arctic to their winter breeding grounds in the lagoons of Mexico and California.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Gray whales are the only species of baleen whale that migrate in a loop pattern. 2. Gray whales can dive up to 600 meters deep. 3. Gray whales can consume up to 1,500 pounds of food per day. 4. Gray whales are the only species of whale that feed by turning on their sides and scooping up sediment from the ocean floor. 5. Gray whales can reach speeds of up to 8 knots. 6. Gray whales have the longest migration of any mammal, traveling up to 12,000 miles round-trip. 7. Gray whales are highly social animals and live in pods of up to 20 individuals. 8. Gray whales are some of the loudest animals in the ocean, producing sounds that can travel up to 1,000 miles. 9. Gray whales are the only species of whale that feeds in shallow waters. 10. Gray whales have a unique mottled gray coloring.


What do you call a Gray whale that's feeling blue? A down-in-the-dolphin!

Out Thoughts About

🐳🤩 Gray whales are amazing creatures with unique adaptations for life in the ocean!

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