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Grackles are a type of bird that belong to the family Icteridae. They are known for their glossy black feathers and their long tails. Grackles are found all over North America, from Mexico to Canada. They are known to be quite social birds, often seen in large flocks.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Quiscalus mexicanus

Average Lifespan

Around 10-15 years

Average Size

Around 11-13 inches

Similar To

Crows, Ravens, Blackbirds, Starlings


The breeding season for Grackles typically starts in the spring, when they arrive in their breeding grounds. During this period, they form large flocks and the males display their glossy feathers to attract mates. The female will then build a nest in a tree or shrub and lay up to 8 eggs. The eggs typically hatch after around two weeks and the chicks will fledge after around 3 weeks.


Grackles are omnivorous birds and their diet consists of a variety of food items. They will feed on insects, berries, grains, and even small animals such as frogs and lizards. They will also feed on human-made food items such as bread, popcorn, and other snacks.


Grackles can be found in a variety of habitats, from woodlands and forests to open fields and farmland. They are also commonly seen in urban areas, where they will feed on human-made food items.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Grackles are known for their loud, grating calls which can be heard from far away. 2. Grackles have been known to eat the eggs of other birds, such as chickens. 3. Grackles are highly intelligent birds and have been known to imitate the calls of other birds. 4. Grackles are able to fly up to speeds of up to 40 mph. 5. Grackles have a unique way of eating, by tossing their food in the air and catching it with their beaks. 6. Grackles are known to be quite social birds and will often form large flocks. 7. Grackles have been known to use tools to find food, such as using sticks to dig into the ground. 8. Grackles have been known to mate for life and will often stay with the same partner for many years. 9. Grackles are able to recognize individual humans and will often return to the same person for food. 10. Grackles have been known to use their glossy feathers to communicate with each other.


Grackles are always on the lookout for a good deal - they're always looking for the best bargains!

Out Thoughts About

🤩 Grackles are such interesting birds - they are so intelligent and social!

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