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German shepherds

German Shepherds are large, strong, and intelligent herding dogs that are widely known for their loyalty and obedience. They are the second most popular breed of dog in the United States and have been used for many purposes from police work to service dogs. They are highly active and require regular physical and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Canis lupus familiaris

Average Lifespan

10-14 years

Average Size

Males: 24-26 inches, Females: 22-24 inches

Similar To

Belgian Malinois, Collie, Australian Shepherd, Rottweiler


German Shepherds are born completely blind and deaf, and their eyes and ears open up at around two to three weeks old. As puppies, they are eager to learn and bond with their owner. They reach full maturity between one and two years old.


German Shepherds are omnivores and need a balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. They should be fed a high-quality kibble that is specifically formulated for large breed dogs. Fresh vegetables and fruits can also be added to their diet as occasional treats.


German Shepherds are not picky when it comes to their living environment. They are adaptable to both rural and urban settings and can live in a variety of climates. They should have access to a securely fenced-in yard or a large, open space to run and play in.

10 Fun Facts About

1. German Shepherds were originally bred to herd sheep and guard flocks. 2. They are often used as police and military dogs due to their intelligence and obedience. 3. They are the third most popular breed of dog in the world. 4. They have a double coat that can be short or long and comes in a variety of colors. 5. They can reach speeds of up to 30 miles per hour. 6. German Shepherds are known for their strong sense of smell and hearing. 7. They are one of the most trainable breeds of dog. 8. They are very loyal and protective of their owners and families. 9. They are one of the few breeds of dog that can be taught to bark on command. 10. They have been used as search and rescue dogs in disaster zones.


What do you call a German Shepherd who’s always running around? A Shep-herder!

Out Thoughts About

🐶🤩 German Shepherds are incredibly loyal and intelligent dogs that make wonderful companions.

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