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Ferrets are small, furry mammals that are part of the Mustelidae family, which also includes otters, badgers, and weasels. They are incredibly playful, curious and intelligent animals, and can make great pets.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Mustela putorius furo

Average Lifespan

8-10 years

Average Size

18-24 inches

Similar To

Otters, Badgers, Weasels, Mink


Ferrets reach sexual maturity at around 8 months old and have a gestation period of 42 days. Litters usually consist of 3-7 kits, and they are weaned at around 8 weeks old.


Ferrets are carnivores and require a diet high in protein. In the wild, they typically eat small rodents, insects and birds.


Ferrets are most commonly found in Europe, but can also be found in parts of Asia and Africa. They live in underground burrows, and in the wild, they are active during the day and night.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Ferrets have been kept as pets for over 2000 years. 2. Ferrets can sleep for up to 18 hours a day. 3. Ferrets are very social animals and can recognize their owners. 4. They can learn tricks, such as fetching and rolling over. 5. Ferrets have a very strong sense of smell and can detect odors up to 10 feet away. 6. Ferrets have a life expectancy of 8-10 years. 7. They can squeeze through tight spaces, such as pipes and drains. 8. Ferrets are very clean animals and groom themselves regularly. 9. Ferrets have a unique vocalization called a "dook". 10. Ferrets can be trained to use a litter box.


What did the ferret say when it was given a treat? "Furreal!"

Out Thoughts About

🤩 Ferrets are such interesting and playful animals! 🐾

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