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Doves are a type of bird that belong to the pigeon family. They are known for their gentle nature and beautiful plumage. They are found in many parts of the world and are a common sight in gardens and parks.

Meta Information

Scientific Name


Average Lifespan

Up to 15 years

Average Size

12-14 inches

Similar To

Pigeons, doves, quail, woodpeckers


Doves have a typical lifecycle like other birds. They lay eggs which hatch after 18 days. The young are cared for by both parents, who feed them and protect them from predators. The young leave the nest after about a month and are able to fly within two weeks.


Doves mainly eat seeds and grains, but they also eat fruits, nuts, and insects. They typically forage for food on the ground or in low shrubs.


Doves are found in many parts of the world, including forests, grasslands, and urban areas. They prefer open areas with plenty of food, water, and shelter.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Doves are monogamous and often form lifelong pair bonds. 2. Doves can recognize their own reflection in a mirror. 3. Doves are one of the few animals that can see in ultraviolet light. 4. Doves can fly up to 55 miles per hour. 5. Doves are one of the few birds that can drink with their beaks. 6. Doves have a special gland near their eyes that helps them to keep their feathers clean. 7. Doves can fly long distances and have been known to migrate up to 1,500 miles. 8. Doves are able to drink water from the ground using their beaks. 9. Doves use a special cooing sound to communicate with each other. 10. Doves are able to recognize their mate and offspring by their unique cooing sound.


When doves cry, they're just mourning the loss of their grain!

Out Thoughts About

🤗 Doves are gentle and beautiful birds that bring joy to many people's lives.

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