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Crows are large, intelligent birds that are part of the Corvidae family. They are known for their loud, harsh calls and their ability to adapt to different environments. They are found on every continent, except Antarctica, and have been featured in many stories and myths throughout history.

Meta Information

Scientific Name


Average Lifespan

15-20 years

Average Size

17-21 inches

Similar To

Ravens, Magpies, Jays, Rooks


Crows usually mate for life and live in large family groups. They are monogamous, meaning they mate with one partner for life. The female usually lays 3-7 eggs and both parents take part in incubating them for 18 days. The young fledge after 4-5 weeks and are independent after 8-10 weeks.


Crows are omnivores and feed on a variety of food sources. They eat insects, small mammals, eggs, fruits, grains, and carrion. They are also known to scavenge human garbage and food scraps.


Crows are found in a variety of habitats including forests, grasslands, urban and suburban areas, and agricultural areas. They are very adaptable and can thrive in a variety of environments.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Crows are among the most intelligent birds and can recognize individual human faces. 2. Crows have been observed using tools to gain access to food. 3. Crows have a complex system of communication and can recognize the calls of their own species. 4. Crows can live up to 15-20 years in the wild. 5. Crows have been known to form friendships with other animals, such as wolves and foxes. 6. Crows have been observed mourning the death of their mates. 7. Crows are known to warn each other of danger and will mob predators. 8. Crows are known to mimic the calls of other animals. 9. Crows have been observed using leaves to wipe their beaks. 10. Crows have been observed burying food for later consumption.


What do you call a crow that's always late? A procrowastinator!

Out Thoughts About

🤔 Crows are fascinating creatures with a unique ability to adapt to different environments.

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