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Chimpanzees are one of the most intelligent and social animals in the world. They are a species of great ape native to the African continent and are the closest living relatives to humans. Chimpanzees can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, woodlands, and savannas. They are highly intelligent and capable of using tools, and they have complex social relationships.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Pan troglodytes

Average Lifespan

Chimpanzees can live up to 50 years in the wild.

Average Size

Chimpanzees can reach up to 1.2 meters in height and weigh up to 70 kilograms.

Similar To

Gorillas, Orangutans, Bonobos, Humans


Chimpanzees have a gestation period of about eight months and give birth to a single baby at a time. The baby will stay with its mother until it is about four years old, at which point it will begin to explore its environment and interact with other chimpanzees. At the age of seven, the chimpanzee will reach sexual maturity, and will usually stay with its family until it is about 11 years old.


Chimpanzees are omnivorous, and their diet consists of fruit, leaves, nuts, insects, and small animals. They also have a strong preference for sweet fruits and will occasionally hunt other animals.


Chimpanzees are found in a variety of habitats across Africa, including forests, woodlands, and savannas. They are arboreal, meaning they spend most of their time in the trees, and they will often build nests in the branches.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Chimpanzees are capable of using tools, such as sticks to fish for termites. 2. They can recognize themselves in a mirror. 3. Chimpanzees have a strong sense of family and will often stay with the same group of individuals for their entire lives. 4. They are the only animals besides humans that have been observed to make and use weapons. 5. Chimpanzees have a wide variety of facial expressions and vocalizations that they use to communicate with one another. 6. They are capable of solving complex problems and can even learn sign language. 7. Chimpanzees are highly social and will often groom one another to strengthen relationships. 8. They have been observed to use medicinal plants to treat illnesses. 9. Chimpanzees have been known to use sticks to “fish” for termites. 10. They can live in the wild for up to 50 years.


What do you call a chimpanzee who's always running late? A procrasti-chimp!

Out Thoughts About

🐵🤩 Chimpanzees are truly amazing animals! We are in awe of their intelligence, social skills, and ability to use tools.

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