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Catbirds are a family of songbirds found in North and South America. There are 21 species of Catbirds, including the Gray Catbird, which is the most common in North America. They are known for their loud, harsh call, which is why they are named Catbirds. They are also known for their long, slender tails, which they use to balance when they are perched.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Dumetella carolinensis

Average Lifespan

5-7 years

Average Size

8-10 inches

Similar To

Mockingbirds, Thrashers, Orioles, Starlings


Catbirds typically build their nests in dense shrubs or trees, and they lay 3-5 eggs. The eggs hatch after about two weeks, and the young Catbirds will stay in the nest for another two weeks before they are ready to leave.


Catbirds are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. They mainly eat insects, such as beetles and caterpillars, but they also eat fruits, berries, and seeds.


Catbirds typically live in wooded areas, such as forests, woodlands, and even suburban gardens. They are often found near water and in open fields.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Catbirds can imitate the calls of other birds. 2. Catbirds are known to mob predators, such as hawks and owls, by flying around them and making loud calls. 3. Catbirds are one of the few songbirds that can sing in the dark. 4. Catbirds have been known to steal food from other birds. 5. Catbirds have been known to use tools to get food, such as using sticks to pull grubs out of logs. 6. Catbirds have a distinctive call that sounds like a cat meowing. 7. Catbirds have been known to use different calls to communicate with each other. 8. Catbirds have been known to use different calls to attract mates. 9. Catbirds are known to use their long tails to balance while perched. 10. Catbirds are known to be very territorial and will defend their territory from other birds.


What do you call a Catbird with a broken wing? A flightless meower!

Out Thoughts About

🤩 Catbirds are such fascinating creatures! We love their unique calls and their ability to use tools to get food.

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