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Beavers are large, semi-aquatic rodents found in North America, Europe, and parts of Asia. They are the second-largest rodents in the world, after the Capybara. Beavers are well-known for their ability to build dams and lodges using branches, mud, and stones. They have strong front teeth to help them chew through wood and a scaly tail that helps them swim. Beavers are also very social animals and live in colonies with their families.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Castor canadensis

Average Lifespan

Up to 24 years in the wild

Average Size

Up to 4 feet long and 40 pounds

Similar To

Muskrats, Nutria, Capybara, Coypu


Beavers have a gestation period of about 105 days and usually give birth to two to four kits. The kits are born blind and will stay with their parents for two to three years, learning how to build dams and lodges and forage for food. Beavers reach sexual maturity at around two years of age.


Beavers are herbivores and mainly eat the bark and leaves of trees and shrubs. They also eat aquatic plants and can sometimes be found eating fish and frogs.


Beavers are found in freshwater ecosystems such as rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds. They build their lodges and dams near the water’s edge, and they need access to trees and shrubs for food.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Beavers can stay underwater for up to 15 minutes. 2. Beavers have transparent eyelids that help them see underwater. 3. Beavers can cut down trees up to 2 feet thick. 4. Beavers have a unique ability to detect underwater vibrations. 5. Beavers can swim up to 6 mph. 6. Beavers have orange-tinted fur to help them blend in with their environment. 7. Beavers have webbed feet and a scaly tail to help them swim. 8. Beavers have orange-tinted fur to help them blend in with their environment. 9. Beavers can live up to 24 years in the wild. 10. Beavers can create ponds that can cover up to 2,500 acres of land.


What did the Beaver say when it was late for work? "Dam, I'm late!"

Out Thoughts About

🤩 Beavers are truly amazing animals with a unique set of skills!

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