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African greys

African greys are a species of parrot native to the African continent. They are known for their intelligence and ability to mimic human speech. They are one of the most popular pet birds due to their size, intelligence, and personality.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Psittacus erithacus

Average Lifespan

50-60 years

Average Size

12-14 inches

Similar To

Eclectus parrot, Timneh parrot, Congo parrot, Meyer's parrot


African greys reach sexual maturity between the ages of 4-6 years. They lay between 2-4 eggs in a clutch, which hatch after 28 days of incubation. The chicks fledge after 10-12 weeks and become independent after 4-5 months.


African greys are mainly herbivorous, eating fruits, nuts, and seeds. They can also eat insects, eggs, and small vertebrates.


African greys inhabit the dry, open woodlands and savannas of Central and West Africa. They roost in trees and feed on the ground.

10 Fun Facts About

1. African greys are the most intelligent parrot species. 2. They can live up to 50-60 years in captivity. 3. African greys can learn up to 1000 words. 4. They can recognize themselves in a mirror. 5. African greys are one of the few parrot species that can imitate human speech. 6. They are social birds and need companionship. 7. African greys can learn to play simple games. 8. They can be taught to do simple tricks. 9. African greys are very sensitive to their environment. 10. They can be taught to count and solve simple math problems.


African greys are quite the talkative parrots!

Out Thoughts About

🤩 African greys are amazing, smart, and social birds that make great companions!

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